12 October 2011


Caution and reminder, passed by K.Allenna Hamid

"Yesterday a friend of mine went to a petshop in Kepala Batas and the owner told him recently the sugar gliders that were bought from breeders and sold off in their pet shop are actually from Indonesia or Thailand. They stopped getting them lately due to many deaths - 5 out of 10 gliders died due to virus infection!!!"

**Please make sure if you wanna buy any from petshops and even those selling non-homebreed online to quarantine the glider for 1 week first.

Please pass this info around as it is important....TQ


Anonymous said...

saya dah terbeli,4 hari lpas kat area sg petani,n dye amik sg dri penang,,sg tu cirit birit,bwk pi veterinar pon dah x ley,sbb kne infection,,sgt2 sedey,bru maty td ptg,,,=(

elle said...

uiks..kedai yg mn 1 ye? hohoho

Izam said...

comel petshop kew? kt bertam tuh?

Anonymous said...

fazlee sg shop la 2/...

Anonymous said...

orang cakap saya punya dari thailand. sedih sangat sebab tak jinak2. asyik crabbing. sy beli dekat lagenda height tuu. dekat sungai petani lar.. dah 5bulan jaga. still takot2 dengan orang. gigit2.. dengan saya sendri pon dia mcm xberapa kenal... adakah dia memang tak boleh nak jinak ?? atau kalu kita taming dia,mungkin dia okey?? macam mana ekk?